
Entrepreneurs in favor of short-string animals

2005/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

A bill to sanction protest actions has created a stir in Britain. In fact, the actions that are being carried out against the centers that investigate with animals in recent years and the staff of these centers are more and more severe, and, to protect them, they intend to remove a law that penalizes illegal actions of groups of support to animals.


Parliament will decide in spring whether the bill becomes law or not. In this case, it will be punished with the prison sentence of up to five years who causes economic damage to animal research centers, or intimidates researchers and workers.

Animal support groups are concerned that this law may harm pacifist entrepreneurs and that the promotion of the boycott may be illegal. For their part, the centers that investigate with animals affirm that they expect to live quieter with this law. It will be difficult for both parties to reach an agreement.