Prevention of risks of anesthesia
1991/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The number of deaths from narcosis generated by a study conducted in the UK is the same as that of the Jumbo plane accidents. At this time between 10,000 and 20,000 narcosis die.

However, in recent years, the number of deaths from narcosis has been significantly reduced. According to scholars, the risk of narcosis does not increase by age, but by other diseases that the patient can suffer, such as cardiovascular, liver or addictive diseases to alcohol or drugs.
The procedure used also relates to risk assessment. Professor Jürgen Link, an anesthesiologist in Berlin, does not believe that local narcosis is less likely than the absolutes. Local narcosis injects anesthesia into the spinal cord to eliminate the pain of the patient.
The most important risk in narcosis is the factor called a person in the Link trial. 70% of the serious situations that occur in anesthesia are due to human errors. Second level with anesthesia implants. Normally, the lack of oxygen is the main cause of death in anesthesia. For example, important tubes can be removed from the respiratory system and if this is not detected, death can occur.
However, the improvement of technology will lead to a decrease in the risk of death, but the most important factor will be human control.

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