Dreams for what?
1997/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
To say that our deep sleep is interrupted by several memories is nothing new. We remember and repeat the most significant events of the day to keep our brain active during sleep, as experts believe.
However, these experts discover something new while researching sleep challenges. Our deep sleep is not only interrupted by the most striking events of the day. During sleep the eyes make fast movements and the mechanism of memories starts up again.
These brain activities are called REM and are not a reminder of the events of the day mentioned above. The eye movements described have nothing to do with the facts that our memory has preserved. But why do we do these two types of sleep interruptions?
According to experts, the mission of each of them is to keep the brain's memory mechanism active even during sleep. But these memories related to the events of the day last only about an hour and, therefore, the RAP also interrupt our warm dream so that the brain is not ready at night.