
We prefer the high

2000/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The study by evolutionary psychologist Robin Dunbar in the English city of Wroclaw has revealed that women prefer tall men. Robin Dunbar tries to show that evolution and natural selection not only affects animals, but also the social and sexual behavior of human beings, comparing the height of 4,400 healthy men between 25 and 60 years old with the number of sons and daughters had and observing that childless men were less than those who had children. According to the researcher, the significant effect of height is not only due to the beauty characteristics of our society, but if women prefer tall men, being high was because it was formerly related to better genes and with more chances of survival.

Other studies indicate that it is not attractive to be too high either, so the difference in height between men and women has not increased from generation to generation. The apparently curious investigations have a substantial basis: the desire to show that, despite being reasonable beings, natural selection also influences us, and to make known that there is something more behind attributes of beauty that supposedly would be social.