
Sexual secrets of red algae

2002/08/19 Elhuyar Zientzia

Although it seems surprising, they did not know everything about the sexual life of the red algae, market base of hundreds of millions of euros. However, sophisticated techniques have allowed Australian researchers to record for the first time the process of reproduction of red algae. The recording has shown that male algae secrete millions of sperm at times of lower salinity of water and high tide. The spermatozoa travel fast to the areas of female algae and join the filaments of the females. Then, the sperm injects the DNA in its filament to travel to the base of the filament and fertilize the osculum there.

All this occurs on a scale in which the microscope is able to intercept not only human eyes, but, according to researchers, the spectacle is beautiful. Sperm arrive in large groups and compete among them to reach the egg.

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