
Beautiful mouth, transparent support

2005/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Using mouth appliances is no longer a matter of children or young people. And it is that today it is not enough to have a healthy mouth, it must be nice. For this reason, the appearance of buccal devices has become a priority issue. The current objective is to minimize the supports that are added to the teeth.

So far, most of the apparatus supports were made of stainless steel, but there are also transparent plastic housings. However, these supports present problems: they are easily broken, have a poor aging and little resistance to hydrolysis.

Therefore, the technology centre Tekniker and EuroOrtodoncia S.L. New transparent supports are being developed in the mouth of the company. The characteristics of the housings are mainly based on the use of a polymer of high mechanical performance as material and microinjection for production.

In this way, aesthetic advantages of plastic and a resistance equivalent to metal are achieved. Soon, therefore, the market will have transparent supports that adapt to the needs of the aesthetics.