
Goodbye to the kite!

2011/05/17 Kortabitarte Egiguren, Irati - Elhuyar Zientzia

NASA's SOHO observatory collects images of the destruction of a comet against the Sun. The comet was discovered by amateur astronomer Sergey Shurpakov and can be familiar with the Kreutz kites.

In this coronography, the Sun, represented by a white circle, is blocked by a red disk to see more clearly the structure of its crown and observe the ejection of the mass of the crown that occurs at the moment the comet approaches the Sun.

However, scientists do not find the relationship between comets approaching the Sun and the ejection of crown mass. It seems that the ejection of the image occurred before the comet approached sufficiently to interact with the magnetic fields of the Sun's surface.

Image courtesy of: Recent searches

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