
Agur Baiconur

2002/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

If there is no agreement, within three years the best-known launch point of the Soviets will be closed. Baiconur came into operation in 1955, when the Soviet Union was still alive. From there all flights driven by the Soviets and a multitude of probes and satellites have been launched.

In 1994, for 132 million euros annually, Kasakhstan and Russia signed a 20-year agreement for Russia to continue using the launch space. However, in 1999, the accidents suffered by two rockets caused incidents. Kasakhstan asked not to launch this type of rocket for a few months and Russia saw his freedom threatened. Since then, the new cosmodrome has been chosen and by 2005 all the activities have been carried out from there.

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