
The Lost Reflector Appears on the Moon

2010/04/29 Aulestiarte Lete, Izaro - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Forty years! That is the time it took the Soviet scientists to disappear the laser reflector they “lost” on the Moon. In these years they have sought, but without achieving it. It is finally discovered by physicists from the University of California.

The Soviet space mission Luna 17, shot dead in November 1970, carries with it an automatic vehicle called Lunokhod 1. The vehicle was controlled from Earth and was dedicated to the exploration of the Moon with the aforementioned reflector. It was last known in September 1971 and has since been declared “lost”. Therefore, the discovery that the NASA Moon Inspection Orbiter has made possible these days has been a pleasant surprise.

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