
Debate on wind turbines

2024/06/01 Barcena Hinojal, Iñaki - Zuzenbidean lizentziatua, Gizarte eta Politika Zientzietan doktorea eta Ekopol ikerketa-taldeko kidea | Zilbeti Perez, Maider - Filosofian doktorea | Salazar Gil, Rodolfo - Filosofia, Zientzia eta Balioetan doktoregaia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Aumategi in 2022. Ed. José Angel Urquia Goitia/CC40.

In policy strategies to combat global warming, the energy transition plays an important role. Within this project several renewable energy projects have been announced, including the construction of wind farms. However, these forecasts run counter to the wishes of many citizens in the areas they want to build and the movement against the installation of wind turbines has gained strength.

In the debate, in addition to the technical aspects of energy and the environment, it was considered necessary to take into account the social and anthropological aspects, on the one hand, Iñaki Barcena Hinojal (doctor of social and political sciences and member of the research team Ekopol) and on the other, Maider Zilbeti Perez (doctor of philosophy) and Rodolfo Salazar (doctor of sciences).


Iñaki Barcena Hinojal

Questionnaire for Basque wind mills


Maider Zilbeti Perez and Rodolfo Salazar Gil

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Elhuyarrek garatutako teknologia