
Aerogel: miracle from space to home

2000/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Aerogel is the lightest known solid. It weighs three times less than air and has unique physical, electrical and thermal characteristics. For example, it is a great insulator of heat and electricity. These characteristics make the material used so far in spacecraft to arrive shortly to our homes as an insulator of ovens and refrigerators within appliances.

Aerogel was discovered in 1932 by physicist Steven Kistler of Stamford University. Kistler was studying the mechanical and physical characteristics of the cells in order to find new materials that could be of industrial utility. The aerogel consists of 96% air and 4% silicon oxide (IV) and its microscopic structure is similar to that of the pearl neck. Thanks to these pearl-shaped structures, their hardness, lightness and insulation capacity have been used in the space industry.

In the near future, however, this material will be used for the manufacture of our appliances, thermos, refrigerators and filters, for its low cost.

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