Xiomara Gezuraga compares mathematics didactics in Florida and at the Florida Institute of Technology
2024/03/14 Elhuyar

Xiomara Gezuraga Sarduy, professor of mathematics at IES Barrutialde de Arratzu, has conducted a study on mathematics didactics at the Florida Institute of Technology in the United States. He has had the opportunity to work as a visiting researcher for four months on the STEAM and Education program.
Xioma says that we need to look for and analyze more real, more meaningful and, above all, more motivating and respectful forms of mathematics teaching and learning. The visit of the Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) in the fall of 2023 has focused on analysing strategies and best practices to help achieve this.
This study compared the educational systems of the State of Florida (USA) and the CAPV in three areas in the 5th grade. Firstly, the contents and organization of the curriculum have been monitored. Next, we have seen how teachers teach mathematics and science to 5th grade students. And finally, the evaluation of the students has been analyzed.
The conclusions of the research are reflected in the following article:Good practices in the teaching of mathematics.

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