
Cause of the eastern red winter of the USA

2003/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

El Niño is not the culprit of his harsh winter in the eastern US, but of the North Atlantic Oscillation. That's what NASA thinks.


The relationship between the azores and the meteorological systems of Iceland is what is known as the North Atlantic Oscillation, and is due to the existence of high pressures in the first and low pressures in the second. Normally these systems are reinforced in winter and the North Atlantic Oscillation becomes more evident.

When the difference in atmospheric pressures between the two systems is high, the weather is temperate in northern Europe and cold in northern America. However, when the difference is small, in the Mediterranean area humidity rises, in Scandinavia it is very cold and in the eastern part of the USA the temperature is temperate.

Through the NASA satellite, Quik Scatterometer, images of air currents have been captured that have observed changes in their usual model. It seems that is what explains that this winter is so hard in the east of the US.

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