
Agreement in Bonn

2001/07/24 Imaz Amiano, Eneko - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

the issue did not look good, in Bonn 178 states have agreed on the rules for the entry into force of Kyoto. This normative consensus was essential to move forward in Kyoto.

The United States said they would not sign the agreement; then Australia, Canada and Japan began to say no, but finally these three have shown their willingness to sign the agreement. Some things have to be changed, or in other words, to reduce the level of requirement of the rules for Kyoto. Japan's position in recent days has prompted states to later regulate mechanisms to ensure compliance with the agreement. If not, Japan showed no favorable attitude.

On the other hand, finally, States with high forest content may be used to increase CO2 emissions, including forest plantations and the construction of reservoirs to obtain hydroelectric energy. All very debatable. Nuclear power is out of the ‘flexibility mechanisms’.

For some it is a remarkable victory to advance in an agreement that will not confirm a country as ‘significant’ as the United States (even if it is the country that pollutes the most in the world). Failure for others, both the exclusion of the United States and the reduction of the level of requirement of the agreement for the consensus of others.

The Kyoto Convention is the only international agreement that limits emissions of gases causing climate change. Approved in Kyoto in 1997, the most developed countries demand an average reduction of their emissions of 6 greenhouse gases of 5.2%. This Convention shall be binding on the date of its entry into force. The deadline for addressing reductions is 2008-2012 and 1990 emission levels will be taken as a reference.

Moreover, the report prepared by the International Group on Climate Change analyses research, forecasts, cost calculations, possible catastrophes, etc. He says that greenhouse gas levels can fall below the level of the year 2000 in the period 2010 to 2020, without a net economic cost.

Much is needed for the measures to be fully effective, but without leaving can not be reached anywhere.

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