
A system that facilitates work for farmers

2003/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

INKOA, a Barakaldo company, has developed an intelligent electronic animal identification system. This technology allows automated on-line processes in livestock farms, slaughterhouses, meat cutting and meat industries.


The system is based on microelectric technology, is sustainable, precise and safe and allows identifying it at any point in the animal chain or control. This technology consists of electronic identifiers such as transponders, a rumor bolus, an earring or a subcutaneous tag, a reader, data processing software and automation and control systems.

This system prevents reading errors, transcription errors, loss of information and streamlines control jobs. On the other hand, it allows greater agility in data transmission, as well as computerization, control and automation of livestock farms and the meat industry.

In addition, all information collected through electronic identification, automation and IDELAN control systems can be consulted and managed via the Internet. In this way, customers and different organizations can receive information automatically.

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