218 businesses join the “11 de Febrero Showcases” initiative promoted by Elhuyar
2025/02/03 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)
As of February 3, images of women researchers will be on display at various points of sale in Abanto-Zierbena, Arrasate, Sierra Nevada, Barakaldo, Bilbao, Durango, Elgoibar and Irura. In addition, the exhibition “Ciencias mujeres al luz” will be exhibited in Peralta, Barakaldo, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Durango, Pamplona and Ordizia.

It will be the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11th. The United Nations General Assembly chose this day in 2016 to encourage greater participation and protagonism of women and girls in science and to promote the scientific vocations of girls. For this day, for the fifth year, Elhuyar has launched the “11 de Febrero Storefronts” initiative, with the participation of 218 shops in Abanto-Zierbena, Arrasate, Carrer, Barakaldo, Bilbao, Durango, Elgoibar and Irura, from 3 to 11 February.
Each establishment (see list of participants) will dedicate the showcase to a female scientist. The shop will be equipped with illustrations and murals containing information related to the scientist, and the shop window will be decorated inspired by his research. Thus, the shopkeepers will become disseminators of the life and work of women scientists and will contribute to the visibility of women’s contribution to science.
As in recent years, this year will also be an opportunity to participate in a GINKANA. To do this, download the Actionbound app on your mobile phone and, from store to store, search for the posters of the 12 women honored and scan their QRs. Scanning the QR code of each women’s poster will answer a question about that woman. So, from point of sale to point of sale, until you search for the QR codes of the 12 women and answer all the questions.
In addition, based on the images that will be exhibited in the project “Showcases 11 de Febrero”, the exhibition “Ciencias mujeres al luz” will open in February in Peralta, Barakaldo, Bilbao, San Sebastián, Durango, Pamplona and Ordizia.
This initiative was created five years ago by Elhuyar within Vecindario, a leisure offer for the realization of scientific and technological activities for young people. Through STEAM education, Elhuyar works throughout the year to encourage the participation of girls in science and technology issues, highlighting and visualizing the value of the work of women scientists to create references and, through different projects, bring the female scientist model closer to young people. In this way, young people are given the opportunity to know the life, trajectory and model of these women, in order to overcome erroneous beliefs and stereotypes.
In connection with the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Elhuyar has also organized a number of other activities. Teknopolis will offer a special session on Gender Issues on the weekend of 8-9 February in ETB1 and ETB2. The program will reveal a serious situation: studies show that women do not receive adequate medical treatment because the sexual and gender variables are not integrated into medical practice or scientific research. With Ana Bernal Chico, a researcher at the UPV/EHU, the program goes to the heart of the problem.
On the other hand, for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, Elhuyar joins the 9th edition of Women in Science, collaborating with 34 other institutions that are important exponents of the science and technology network: Achucarro, BCMaterials, Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM CSIC-UPV/EHU), CIC biomaGUNE, University of Deusto, UPV/EHU Informatica, UPV/EHU Química, Basque Artificial Intelligence Center (BAIC, Basque Country), Basque Country, Biotech Center, Basque Country, Basque Country, Basque Country The program of initiatives organized by all of them is available here: www.emakumeakzientzian.eus
This year’s edition will pay tribute to the following women scientists in the “February 11th Showcase”:
- Amena Karimyan (Herat, Afghanistan, 1996). Astronomer, activist and writer
- Dorotea Barnés González (Pamplona, Navarra, 1904-2003). The Chemist
- Halet Çambel (Berlin, Germany, 1916-2014). Archaeologist and Escrrimalaria
- Harriet Martineau (Norwich, United Kingdom, 1802-1876). Economist and sociologist
- Jeanne Baret (La Comelle, France, 1740-1807). The botanist
- Lurdes Ansa Asko (Andoain, Gipuzkoa, 1961). Responsible for editing scientific materials
- Margaret Crane (Indiana, USA, 1941). Publicist and inventor
- María Jesús Esteban Galarza (Alonsotegi, Bizkaia, 1955). The mathematician
- Nawal El Saadawi (Cairo, Egypt, 1931-2021). Doctor, writer and activist
- Patricia Rodriguez Brennan (Bogotá, Colombia, 1971). The evolutionary biologist
- Suzuko Ainhoa Tamura (Aichi, Japan, 1934-2015). The linguist
- Uxue Lazcano Dobao (Bergara, Gipuzkoa, 1995). The computational biologist

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