60 million Europeans will circulate online in 2003
2000/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
According to the report Europe's Digital Decade, published by the consultancy Forrester Research, by 2003 some 60 million Europeans will be able to surf the Internet. The price drop and the possibilities offered by the network make the number of computers at home increase from 36% to 46%, while the level of use of the Internet will increase from 19% to 33%. The Internet seems to be one of the main reasons that drives Europeans to buy a computer.
As for digital phones, Europe will continue to lead lists in 2003 with 100 million users. In addition, these Europeans will be the first to use digital phones to access the Internet.
Although there are changes between the different countries that make up Europe, the use of email, the visit to the web and the visit to the list of products of the companies are the main operations that are carried out on the Internet. On the other hand, internet purchases have had little success among Europeans and this service is mainly used for the purchase of books and CDs or airplane tickets.
On the other hand, a survey of computer owners has announced a very positive attitude towards new technologies.

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