
52. The CIRP General Assembly, a milestone in Tekniker's history

2002/09/10 Andonegi Beristain, Garazi - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

Between 18 and 24 August will be held the 52 of the CIRP (International Research Institute in Manufacturing Engineering). The General Assembly was held in Donostia. This meeting brings together the world's leading researchers in industrial design and manufacturing, and its yearbooks contain the most relevant scientific and technological advances in manufacturing.

The members of the organizing committee (Gamesa, Ceit, Invema, Tecnum, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Tekniker, Ideko, Fatronik, UNED, UPV) and the chairman of the committee, Ramón Bueno, from Tekniker, highlighted the satisfaction of the attendees.

To begin with, we must say 52. That the General Board has established a new mark on the number of papers submitted: 119 papers, 10 key notes (brief contributions on scientific topics) and two inaugural conferences were presented (by Alvaro Arrizabalaga, professor at the University of the Basque Country and Alberto Ortueta, director of the Association of Machine Tool Manufacturers). In addition, meetings of the Scientific and Technical Committees, meetings between organizers and partners, a round table entitled "Collaboration between industrial and R&D institutions in research" and other specialized talks were held.

Second, another success, the number of participants: 390 junteros and 122 assistants from 34 countries. This figure has been much higher than that of the meetings held previously by the CIRP. Among these junteros stand out the Germans, followed by the Americans and Japanese.

Third, it should be noted that the organization has been optimal, due to the optimal conditions and services of the Kursaal Palace, the punctuality in all programs, the friendliness and effectiveness of the hostesses of the company Lankor, the attractiveness of the program for collaborators and, of course, the quality of Basque cuisine.

Apart from the general data, if we take into account our participation, it can be said without a doubt that the organization of the General Assembly in Donostia has served to increase the weight of the Basque institutions in the CIRP. In addition, of the 22 participants registered from the Spanish State, 20 were Basque (so, by number of participants, Spain has been 4th ahead of countries like Italy, Korea and France).

Within the scientific program our researchers presented several papers: Within the conference on Cutting, "The effect of tool wear on hard turning", work between Ceit and Tecnum; Precision Engineering and Metrology, "Study of the uncertainty of the new basic Spanish model of pressures", collaboration between Tekniker and the Spanish Center of Metrology; and, finally, in the conference on Surface, "The evaluation of cylindrical shards".

In this sense, the high scientific value of Tekniker's contributions is noteworthy. One of these contributions is the president of the CIRP and member of the Israeli company Iscar, R. He deserved the mention of Professor Wertheim. R. Wertheim mentioned the new machining strategies proposed by the team of researchers from the Tekniker process area. At the same time, he quoted parallel architecture machines Seyanka (Tekniker), Ulysses and Hermes (Fatronik), M. from WZL (Germany). Weck mentioned in his brief presentation "Parallel Architecture Machines". Finally, Professor G.Peggs of the National Physical Laboratory of the United Kingdom referred to the measurements made by Tekniker in the metrological intercomparison of a large model in his lecture entitled "Metrology for large dimensions in production: an update".

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