In 250 million years again walking from Europe to America
2000/12/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
250 million years ago on Earth there was only one continent called Pangea. Since then, due to the movement of the tectonic plates, it has taken its current appearance, but not forever. The movement of plates will cause the union of the continents and within 250 million years the supercontinent called Pangea Ultima will be formed by geologists. The continent will have a giant inland sea, formed by the remains of the Atlantic Ocean. The prediction is not total, but there are quite clear things. Africa, for example, will continue its journey north, closing the Mediterranean and forming a mountain chain like the Himalayas. In 50 million years Africa and Europe will be united, the Atlantic will be wider and Australia and Antarctica will be further north. The Mediterranean disappears in the process. Later Australia and Asia come together: The Australian left collides first with the East Asian islands, then turns and the right strikes Borneo and China.

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