
New calendar from 2006?

2005/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

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Astronomer Richard Conn Henry, instead of his usual calendar, proposes a more practical calendar. This calendar is more adapted to the seasons, according to the astronomer at Johns Hopkins University, but it is not its main feature. This calendar is eminently practical, since each year each date would coincide with the same day of the week, for example, the New Year would always be Sunday.

R. Cardboard

Otherwise there are no major changes: there are eleven months, 30 or 31 days, and seven days. It is practical, therefore, and has economic advantages: the annual calculation of holidays and holidays is finished to adapt the work calendar of the workplace or the workplace, once made is enough.

The Gregorian calendar we use has a leap year every four years to compensate that the Earth year goes from 365 days to 365,2422. Well, in this new calendar, to solve this problem, every five or six years we would be one more week between June and July, called Newton week.

An association has already been created in favor of the new calendar and a campaign is being carried out for its implementation next year, since January 1, 2006 is the right date to start with this new calendar, since it is Sunday.

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