
Assessment of scientific achievements 2003

2004/02/01 Lexartza Artza, Irantzu - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

As every year, the journal Science has decided that the time has come to take stock annually and has published a list of the main scientific advances or discoveries achieved in 2003. In this list, the discoveries that open ways for new achievements and those that transmit human knowledge are primanded. This year, the microwave radiation observation of the universe background has been primed, as it provides consistent evidence of the formation of the universe.
Some droughts are a consequence of the warm up effect.

According to information obtained by satellite and telescope, the universe is mainly composed of dark matter and energies. Dark energy, the force that causes the expansion of the universe, represents 73%; dark matter, exotic matter composed of particles still unknown, 23%; and the common matter we know, only 4%. Other features, such as the universe is 13.7 billion years old and is flat. Microwave background radiation is the oldest light in the universe, as it shows the brightness of the radiation coming out of the newly created universe. Experts believe that their observation is the key to knowing the universe.

Second, the identification of genes associated with mental diseases is found. For example, in studies that have analyzed the influence of the behavior of genes in schizophrenia, depression and bipolar disease, some genes have been identified that increase the risk of developing them.

The last one that has entered the podium is the work done on the global warming effect of the earth, since in 2003 new and solid evidence has been presented to confirm this effect. A group of researchers has linked the high extraordinary temperatures measured in the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean to greenhouse gases. Another group has observed that the flow of rivers that pour their waters into the Arctic Ocean has increased. The warming process has had consequences such as droughts, decreased plant production, altered behavior of plants and animals, glacier melting, etc.

Small RNAs who won first place in 2002 are also on this new list. Last year the importance of small RNAs for gene expression was seen, and in 2003 the researchers were immersed in the details of this relationship. Among other things, they have seen influence on the initial development of plants and animals and the creation of the immune system.

The information obtained by satellite is fundamental in the observation of space.

The observation of the movements of a single intracellular molecule occupies fifth place. In the work between biologists and physicists have seen motor molecules in real time. The movement of some motor proteins has been proven by laser light based methods.

Work in different fields

The sixth place on the list corresponds to the investigation of gamma ray explosions (GRB). They are the most energetic explosions that occur in the universe and in spring they obtained images that showed the relationship between GRB and supernovae. According to astrophysicists, this energy is due to the implosion of the nucleus of a star.

The proper creation of sperm and eggs occupies seventh place. From the stem cells of the embryos, sperm and egg formation has been obtained from mouse cells. This discovery may have multiple applications in the future applied to human cells, but it will also provoke numerous ethical debates.

Analysis of the composition of space, energy and radiation.

In eighth place are the materials that can divert light and other electromagnetic radiations in the direction “erroneous”. Two years ago, these materials were manufactured, with which they managed to divert the microwave in a negative angle. Then doubts arose and this year definitive tests have been presented.

The penultimate place is for chromosome Y. In 2003 they announced their genetic sequence. Apparently, half of Y's DNA is formed by a worthless mixture, but the other half encodes some genes and is organized in a very special way if compared to the rest of chromosomes. In the chain there are several copies of genes placed in the form of palindromes, which facilitates their substitution in case of a mutation in a gene.

The new cancer therapy has been included in the last place on the list of the year. Try a new drug and get hopeful results. This drug limits blood flow to tumors and, combined with chemotherapy, they extend life to patients with advanced colon cancer. In the case of patients with breast cancer, however, this effect has not occurred and the drug is considered to be adapted to each type of cancer.

Important advances have been made in biochemistry and genetics.

In addition to taking stock of the year 2003, they have also made their prediction for 2004 in Science. In three expeditions, extensive information on Mars is expected to be obtained. If the expectations are met, hence the main scientific news of the year. The biodefense area will advance if it follows the trend of last year. It is also expected to deepen the human genome, and it is possible that in 2004 new discoveries will emerge.

We will have to see, on the other hand, how the socio-political situation of the world affects science, but it seems that we are not on the right path, because science in general has fewer and fewer resources.

Published in 7K.

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