More than 18.000 years of painting in a cave of Gipuzkoa
2015/01/13 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

In the cave of Danbolinzulo (Zestoa, Gipuzkoa), members of the Antxieta association have found paintings over 18,000 years old. The discovery has been fortuitous, since although the cave was already known, so far they did not realize that there was painting on the wall. The researchers of the UPV/EHU and Ikerbasque, Alvaro Arrizabalaga, Marcos García and Mª José Iriarte, have affirmed that the paintings are real.
It has been explained that five figures of animals can be distinguished who, although not yet dated, have calculated that they are at least 18,000 years old. For this purpose they have been based on the appearance of the paintings and on the comparison with others existing in the nearby caves. All the figures are made of iron oxides, and in some of them you can appreciate the drawing in point.
Danbolinzulo is the sixth discovery in Gipuzkoa and is important to understand the way of life, mobility and its relationship with the environment of the populations of the Upper Paleolithic.