Element 112, copernition, recognized
2009/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The International Association of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) has recognized the element that occupies the position 112 in the periodic table, so far called unbio. This name is not official since the name assignment corresponds to the group that created the element. Well, as announced in the journal Nature, the group of researchers led by Sigrud Hofmann has proposed the name copernitium.
More than ten years have passed since its first production to the recognition of the element. In fact, it must be demonstrated on more than one occasion that the element exists and it is very difficult to synthesize elements as heavy as copernition. And when synthesized, they dissolve immediately, as they are very unstable elements. In the case of element 112, it only lasts a few milliseconds.

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