
Element 110

1995/02/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

On November 9, 1994, at 16 h 39 min., Peter Armbruster and his team investigated ten years in the German city of Darmstadt and discovered a new chemical element.

The atomic weight of this chemical element is 269, that is, 269 times the weight of a hydrogen atom and its life span is less than one thousandth of the second.

This element, called Darmstadtium, is the fourth element found in the same laboratory; the former were nielsbohrium (107), hasium (108) and meitnerium (109).

Darmstadtium is born from the union of two atoms of nickel and lead. Nickel atoms accelerated at the Darmstadt Univac and the trial lasted many days, although lead atoms were bombarded by thousands of nickel atoms, as the bond is very rare.

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