"Formula 1": fuel war
1992/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The "Formula 1" races are already in full swing. Another year, different companies have had to take care of everything until the last details.

However, in recent years oil tankers have had special importance in car racing. For example, the oil company "Elf" has supplied fuel during the race in South Africa. A total of 1,700 litres of fuel served.
The race took place in Kyalami at 1,800 m in height and the fuel was transported in 50 l cans, very carefully. The reason was that intermolecular shocks had to be avoided so that the characteristics of fuels were not worsened.
20,000 pts/liter per fuel or special attention. cost. No joke!

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