Revealed in black and white
1995/08/01 Nogeras, Itziar - Elhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The development (and positivation) is not an option that all photographers make. For some, just take photos and send them to a laboratory to reveal them. Others prefer to make the photo with development, since the laboratory allows to manipulate the photographs. In any case, even without pretending to reveal, knowing the circumstances of these processes will help us to understand possible errors in photos. The development of a black and white film is not complicated or too expensive. You don't need a special room or laboratory, you just need a total darkness when it comes to putting the film in the revealed pot, which can be done in a dark room (better at night) or in an opaque bag. The tooling to be used can be seen in the image below.

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