
Zorionak space station!

2001/10/31 Elhuyar Zientzia

It continues to grow as a newborn child, which gradually grows in space. The first days of November are celebrated the year of human life in the international space station, a year in which a crew has been living in it.

The basic structure of the space station was a vessel of about 70 tons of capacity. The first crew that settled there named Alpha, which was the first step of a constantly growing season. Since then the space station has continued to grow and currently has a size of three rooms. The space station has a weight of 150 tons.

At an altitude of 400 kilometers it revolves around the Earth. The international space station is the laboratory suspended in space and residence. Three crews, four American astronauts and five Russians have been present for a year. With 79 visitors from six states, fourteen spacecraft have arrived in this stretch.

On November 19 a new crew will depart from the United States in the launcher Endeavour to reach the space station and relieve those present there.

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