
What is that light?

1999/08/29 Kortabarria Olabarria, Beñardo - Elhuyar Zientzia

It is clear that science still cannot explain everything, fortunately. However, it is difficult for astronomers to discover objects without explanation in space. Even more difficult if we do not define what is a stay longer than a week. But no one knows what is the light discovered in the boreal sky three years ago during a digital tracking. In most cases, astronomers can know the composition of the object and its distance to Earth by undoing and analyzing the spectrum of the components of the light of objects. The present, however, does not conform to existing models and do not know if it is on the Milky Way or on the edge of the universe itself. The photos that have been made so far have not led to changes in time, so the supernova, a star that is going to burst, does not seem to be. They say it could be a new type of quasi.

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