What is the ecologist really?
1999/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
The Global Fund for Nature (WWF) has been analyzing the influence of each country on the environment and has presented a list of the most destructive peoples in the world in a paper presented at the Geneva meeting.

It has generated a great debate. According to this report, municipalities that believe they have little environmental impact, such as Norway or Denmark, appear at the top of the list. The use of natural resources (agriculture, maritime fishing, wood and freshwater) has been measured to measure the environmental impact of each municipality, the degree of emission of carbon oxide (IV) and the transformation of natural areas. For example, in Norway it is fished 10 times more than in other countries of the world, in the United States the consumption of cereals is twice the average and in Sweden it is cut more wood than in any other country.
According to the report, the most environmentally friendly in all peoples is Bangladesh. However, this classification is not entirely objective, since it has given more weight to some types of impacts than to others following the criteria of WWF.

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