
Black boxes also in loaders

2000/10/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The United Nations International Maritime Organization (IMO) has decided that all vessels built after 2002 will have black boxes.

The black boxes will record the results of the tools, the conversations of the bridge and the possible tensions in the helmet. The IMO believes that due to black boxes, accidents will be resolved and reduced.

However, it is not clear what will happen to old packaging. The debate began with the black tide provoked by the oil tanker Erika. As in the United States, in Europe there was talk of letting only double hull freighters dock.

However, the European organization AMRIE, which represents builders and port authorities, faced with the difficulty of corrosion, opposed the double hull. AMRIE is driving the placement of black boxes on all freighters, old and new. But there are those who have reluctance and argue that placing black boxes on the current loaders is expensive.

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