XV. CAF-Elhuyar Awards: Aging is the first prize
2009/03/06 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia

The San Sebastian engineer Xabier Artaetxebarria has titled "Xixareak, giant turtles and immortal hydra". In the article the author conducts a study on aging. He has put first examples of living beings that age at very different rates: the insects of the order of the ephemeropters live a few hours, while the giant turtles can live two hundred years, but the most extreme case is that of the hea, which does not age. It looks for the causes of these differences in aging processes in cells, genes and even in natural selection.
According to the jury, "the article offers us a magnificent reflection on the aging process that existed, and although at first it analyzes whether aging could be clarified by Darwin's theory of natural selection, it is introduced into the new chromosomal paradise to discuss the importance that genes, telomeres and enzymes can have." According to the five members who have formed the jury of this edition, the article "in addition to being alive and rich, gives us a Darwinian reflection on life", so it has been deserving of the first prize.
This is not the first prize of Artaetxebarria at the CAF-Elhuyar awards. In fact, last year won the special youth award "Computer Diagnosis: Medical Computers? Thanks to the work." On this occasion he has taken the grand prize with a totally different theme.
Ardagas, polymers and touch
In addition to the grand prize, three new prizes have been awarded today. The second prize of this edition has gone to the world of forests. It has been for "Ardagaiak, sparks that light forests", article written by the zarauztarra Ostaizka Aizpurua and the elgoibartarra Antton Alberdi.
The title clearly indicates that the protagonists of this article are the sons-mushrooms that grow on tree trunks. The authors wanted to make it clear that they occupy an important place in forest ecosystems. Through these protagonists we talk about the rot of wood and its positive influence on the biodiversity and complexity of forests. According to the jury, "the work leads us to a reflection on the correct management of forests and changes the usual opinion on wild trees and dry logs". On this work, and without losing the technical rigor, the jury highlighted the elaboration of a beautiful informative article, an elegant presentation and magnificent images produced by its authors.

The third prize went to Leire Pérez and Maite Artetxe, thanks to their article on their daily research. His work, entitled "Polymers, Trojan Horses of Cancer Therapy", presents us in his article hydrogels or micro/nanogelas. These gels are used to transport medicines and release them in specific places, so they can be useful tools for the treatment of cancer. The article has dealt with a way to do so, according to the jury, "very good and interesting".
Finally, the Special Young People's Prize went to the work "Haptika edo ukimenaren ustiapena". The author is the Renter Xabier Zabala, who in his article talks about tactile communication systems, that is, about haptics. Analyze the beginnings, applications and their possible future evolution. The jury especially appreciated the clear style used by the author and his willingness to divulge the subject.
Anniversary celebration
The awards ceremony began at 6 pm at the headquarters of the Elhuyar Foundation and was attended by actors Miren Gaztañaga and Gabriel Ocina. In fact, this year a special video was made to commemorate the 15th anniversary of the event.

A total of 16 outreach articles have been submitted. in this edition. The jury is composed of five people with extensive experience in the field of Basque, science and communication: Mikel Álvarez Yeregi, doctor and general director of the Cruces Hospital; Joseba Etxebarria, engineer and former professor of Mondragon Unibertsitatea; Koldo Nuñez, doctor in Geology and scientific disseminator; Txema Ramírez de la Piscina, doctor in Journalism and professor at the University of the Basque Country; and Javier Duoandikoeti
In addition to the prize, the winning articles will be published in the Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknika magazine of April.

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