Xbox and Whistler Microsoft News
2001/02/01 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Bill Gates just introduced Xbox, Microsoft's new gamble for the gaming market. This new console will compete directly with Nintendo, Sega and Sony, which offers new features that do not offer other consoles. In addition to offering graphics similar to Toy Story, Xbox has the Ethernet port to play on the network, plus four other ports to accept many players. According to Microsoft, in the presentation only a fifth of the final product was presented, but soon Xbox will be on the market in its entirety. In the presentation Gates spoke of the new Microsoft operating system called Whistler. The Beta version of this operating system that replaces Windows 2000 and Windows ME was put on the Internet for download, but it was deleted immediately as it did not work.

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