Best X-ray tools by diamond thieves
2003/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

To find out if workers stole diamonds in the mines of the South African Republic, an X-ray digital system was developed in the 1980s. It was also used in medicine, but only in some hospitals in South Africa, but now it begins to spread to the world. In fact, 13 seconds are enough to perform an x-ray of the entire body. In the conventional system, on the contrary, an x-ray of the whole body can not be done, but by parts, for which the patient must move and in total it takes 45 minutes.
It seems that the speed of the system and the quality of the images it provides are unique and, as a matter of fact, the patient receives 75% less radiation than when performing x-rays of the whole body with the conventional system (including the mine operator).
There are airports that have started tests with the same system of passenger observation.

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