First workshop of the multimedia research center VICOMTech
2001/10/19 Carton Virto, Eider - Elhuyar Zientzia
VICOMTech is located in the Technological Park of San Sebastian. It was launched in April 2001 by the hand of Euskal Irfere Telebista and the Fraunhofer Institute of Germany. The applied research center and technological development of 3D graphics VICOMTech will address the field of computer graphics.

This technology center will develop technologies of visual interaction and communication based on the latest advances in the field of computer graphics for incorporation into specific industrial applications. For the media, for example, computer graphics will be worked for the cinema and television in the field of digital technology. The field of application of these technologies is, however, broad. It will also serve for medicine, geographical information systems, heritage reconstruction and industrial systems in general.
Five research units have been established at VICOMTech to work on digital and interactive television, develop applications for medicine, virtual recreation of the archaeological and historical heritage, development of applications for tourism and applications for the industry.
VICOMTech will work together with companies, research centers and university of the Basque Country to meet their needs for applied research, development and technological innovation in computer graphics.
The new research centre is part of the INI-Graphics Net network, the leading computer graphics network, and is integrated into the Basque Technology network. Although headquartered in Germany, INI-Graphics Net has several centers in other European countries, the United States and Asia. In fact, several institutes of the Punta Fraunhofer Gesellschaft Foundation are members of the INI-Graphics Net network.
The headquarters of the VICOMTech research centre has 600 m2 and has more than 40 researchers. The director of the centre is the researcher Julián Florez.

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