Tolosaldea Garatzen and Elhuyar present STEAM diagnosis and Bizilabe initiative
2021/02/06 STEAM-Hezkuntza (Elhuyar Zientzia)

The presentation was made at the Integrated Center of Tolosaldea LH and was attended by Joseba Amondarain, representative of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Iker Urruzola Aizpurua, President of Tolosaldea Garatzen, Garazi Andonegi Iglesias Beristain, Director of the Unit
The questionnaire on STEAM topics and professions presented today has been answered by 574 young people from 3rd and 4th ESO. 48.6% of participants were girls, 47.9% boys and 3.5% non-binary. The answers have been obtained from the following centers: Herri Ikastola de Anoeta, Aralar Institutua, Herrikide Ikastetxea, Laskorain Ikastola, Orixe Ikastola, Uzturpe Ikastola and Zubimusu Ikastola.
In the questionnaire, in addition to his interest in science and technology and his possible intention to work in the jobs associated with them, he wondered about the labor activity of the region. The head of Education Elhuyar STEAM, Aitziber Lasa Iglesias, presented the main conclusions of the questionnaire:
- It can be said that traditional gender stereotypes influence young people's interest in issues: girls show more interest in many different issues and boys' interest is much more focused.
- Gender stereotypes also have strength in choosing future professions. Girls have selected mostly professions related to health sciences and teaching, while boys have chosen topics related to technology.
- The degree of interest in subjects is generally low. Girls have the most interest in biology and chemistry, while boys have the most interest in technology and computer science.
- Young people believe that professional STEM is hardworking, wise, clear, patient and creative. Some of these characteristics are common adjectives to describe good students.
- As for working in the future on STEM, girls and boys perceive a different degree of competence: 45% in boys, 25% in girls and 20% in non-binary.
- Girls and boys have a very different view of the life of STEM professionals, and boys are the ones who have valued the lives of STEM professionals and those who have shown the most interest in working in the future in STEM.
- In general, young people consider that the working conditions between women and men engaged in science and technology are different, but the regional perspective is more positive and not so much accentuates the differences.
- Half of the young people do not know the industry of the region and working in the industry of the region does not attract them especially. However, there are young people, girls and boys who relate industry and the work of the region with positive things.
In general, the results of the diagnosis show that the knowledge of STEM activity in the region of Tolosaldea is low and that girls have a lower scientific-technological vocation than boys.
Bizilabe Tolosaldea Initiative
In order to promote the interest and motivation of the young people of the region for science and technology, and at the same time to better publicize the labor activities of the region, Bizilabe Tolosaldea was born in the 2020-2021 course by the municipalities of Tolosaldea and Tolosaldea Garatzen and Elhuyar. Bizilabe will offer extracurricular activities and experiences related to science and technology for young people.
The Bizilabe centres have been opened in the two main urban centres of the region, Tolosa and Villabona. In the case of Tolosa, the activities will take place in the facilities recently renovated by the Institute of Professional Training Tolosaldea (Thursday) and in the case of Villabona, in the Gazteleku (Tuesday). In both cases the offer will be the same.