
Mountains of Titan

2006/12/28 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

The Cassini spacecraft shows the largest mountain range of Titan ever seen. This composition of images has been made with photographs taken 12 billion kilometers. The mountain range has an approximate length of 150 kilometers and an approximate width of 30 kilometers and an approximate height of 1,500 meters.

They do not know how these mountains were formed, but it is possible that as the tectonic plates of Titan are separated, interior material is produced on Earth, as is the central dorsal of the Atlantic Ocean.

To obtain photographs of the saw, the Cassini spacecraft has taken two types of images, some radar and others infrared. Each image is quite difficult to interpret separately, but the combination of both allows to obtain a very useful information, since it allows to appreciate the shape of the mountains in the images offered by the radar, and in the infrared images, to their shadows.

Photo: ANDÉN