Convertible text/voice
1989/07/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
This new device or tool works in Spanish and Catalan and you can choose between female and human voice. Work interactive and pronounce any word or symbol that appears on the computer screen. The full text can be read with words or symbols. It is also capable of giving proper intonations of interrogative and exclamative signs.

In tests with people not used to the sound of the synthesizer, 80% of the sound was heard without problems. The sounds of all vowels, consonants and possible combinations have been analyzed, registering in Catalan 218 and Spanish 138.
Sound formation is performed using an integrated Philips PCF 8200 circuit that synthesizes the voice from an encoding of amplitudes and intonations. It can be regulated to pronounce faster or more slowly.
It is an easily installable card on any computer and applicable in many areas: blind, ATMs, telephone centrality, sports competitions, etc.

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