Teknopolis, winner of the Tecnalia de Periodismo Award
2015/02/03 Ochoa de Eribe Agirre, Alaitz - Elhuyar Zientziaren Komunikazioa

15 years of trajectory of Teknopolis
Teknopolis is a scientific and technological outreach program that has been broadcast since 1999 in ETB. The research team of the program, made up of scientists and journalists, has six people, and carries out reports on the scientific and technological research carried out both in Euskal Herria and outside our borders.Teknopolis is available on Saturdays: ETB1 at 13:20 h and ETB2 at 9:30 h. It is also available on the Teknopolis website: http://teknopolis.elhuyar.org.
The Tecnalia Prize for Journalism is added to the long list of awards already received by Teknopolis. Some of the prizes obtained to date are: Ikaslan Award from the Network of Public Centres for Vocational Training (2014); Telenatura Award 2011 for the Teknopolis Zelatan Report (2011); First Prize at the Asebio/Genoma Spain Awards for Communication and Dissemination of Biotechnology (2011); Award for the best European television programme at the Jonhson&Hjonson SAWARD TV SAWARD TV TV TV TV TV SAWARD TV TV SAWARD TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV SAWARD TV SAWARD SAWARD TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV TV SAWARD SAWARD TV TV TV TV SAWARD TV TV TV TV Accésit at the 2006 Journalism Prize and Innovation Department Award of the Bizkaia Provincial Council 2006.
The Teknopolis team thanked the sponsors of this season that “without them it would not be possible to hold the session.” The sponsors of this season are: Department of Economic Development and Competitiveness of the Basque Government; Department of Education, Language, Politics and Culture of the Basque Government; Basque Energy Entity (EVE), Tknika, UPV/EHU, Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MU) and Public University of Navarre (UPNA).
The director of Teknopolis, Nagore Rementeria, has shown her satisfaction for the entire team and has expressed the following: “It is an honor for us to receive this award, given the level of works awarded in previous editions.”
The General Director of Elhuyar, Leire Cancio, recalled the following: “The Tecnalia Prize for Journalism and the closure of the Basque Research website have arrived almost simultaneously; well, today’s award indicates that the work of socialization of Teknopolis, carried out for many years, is necessary and highly appreciated, and that it is a stimulus to advance”.
VII. Awards of Journalism Tecnalia
Tecnalia Corporación Tecnológico, that is, the organization of the Tecnalia Prize of Journalism, is composed of AZTI-Tecnalia, NEIKER-Tecnalia and TECNALIA Research & Innovation. The aim of the Prize is to recognize and reward the work of media professionals who promote and disseminate knowledge of research, innovation and technological development in public opinion, thus contributing to the construction of a more innovative society.
The prize consists of four sections: written media, radio, television and internet. Each section has a prize of four thousand euros. The jury is composed of people of recognized prestige in the business, educational, technological and journalistic field. VII. In this edition, in addition to the prizes, four special mentions have been delivered.
The prize of the section of written media has fallen in Elena de Arrieta Palacio for an article published in the newspaper Expansión economía (Nuevas tecnologías, la clave para redefine the economy ), and the radio prize for Manuel Hernández Hurtado, for his report I+D+i for the change of production model of RNE in the program España vuelta y vuelta de RNE, and for Jertangiang category. For a report published on elegunkco.com. The special mentions have been included in the category of media written by Antonio Villarreal, for an article published in the supplement Innova+ of Vocento; in the radio section, for a report issued by Andrés Goñi in the program Graffiti of Radio Euskadi; in the section of television, by Pilar Requena, Óscar Martínez, Jesús París and Stella Web page.

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