
Teknopolis on the ETB3 chain

2008/10/01 Lopez Viña, Rakel - Marketin sailaElhuyar Fundazioa Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

If you participate in the magazine Elhuyar Zientzia eta Teknika last October and open page 61, you will find the article "Teknopolis berri-berria", a Teknopolis innovation program that last year we premiered and presented. Twelve months have passed since then, but in the season we want to present you on this page we will have new features again.
Teknopolis on the ETB3 chain
01/10/2008 | Lopez Viña, Rakel | Marketing Department/Elhuyar Fundazioa
Team: behind, Beñar Kortabarria and Oihana Jauregi; front, Maider Egüés, Manex Urruzola, Alaitz Ochoa de Eribe, Eneko Imaz and Bego Zubia; missing Aitziber Agirre in the photo.
R. Cardboard

One of the main novelties comes from the new digital chain of Euskal Telebista: ETB3. The new chain will light on October 10 and Teknopolis will become part of the programming of the newborn chain.

The birth of ETB3 is due to the arrival of Digital Terrestrial Television, so all its contents can only be seen through DTT. However, Teknopolis still does not disappear from the ETB1 and ETB2 chains. Yes, if you want to be the first to see the contents of Teknopolis and you do not have DTT, you better find some television with digital broadcast on Wednesdays, day in which Teknopolis ETB3 will leave at 21.30... ETB1 and ETB2 emissions on Sundays will be a repeat on Thursday.

In line with this year's news, it is worth mentioning the extension of the program's broadcast time: We will go from producing 23 programs to producing 36 programs. Therefore, the season that will start on October 15 will last until July. The program will be directed by Maider Egüés, who after four years directing Teknopolis, has passed the witness to the arrasatearra Beñar Kortabarria.

As for the contents and sections of the program, Teknopolis will continue with the new episodes released last year: "Spectacular World", "Health Question" and "Weekly Proposal". In addition, every week the program will continue to offer regular reports. On the other hand, after the success of the three monographic programs of last year, this formula has been reinforced with five monographic sessions in the new season. The first two will talk about the planet Mars and AIDS.

But not just novelties. This year's season will bring a great celebration... On February 20, 2009 Teknopolis will be 10 years old! We are preparing a great party for this special day, which will bring together a large number of people, including sponsors of this year's program: Department of Industry, Department of Education, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU and Ingeteam. You will also receive the invitation! For the moment, if you like it, on October 15 you have an appointment with Teknopolis. And don't forget: At ETB3 on Wednesdays at 21.30.

lã3pez Viña, Rakel
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