
Following the remains of a supernova

2008/05/15 Lakar Iraizoz, Oihane - Elhuyar Zientzia

The image shows the remains of a supernova explosion in the Milky Way, known as G1.9+0.3. Orange is the image of X-rays obtained in early 2007 and blue the image of radio waves collected in 1985. The difference in size between the two figures clearly indicates that the remains of the supernova are expanding. This has also allowed estimating the date of the explosion (about 140 years ago). Thus, it is the youngest supernova explosion that has been detected in the Milky Way.

The remnants of the supernovae are visible when ejected during the explosion, collide with the surrounding materials and forcefully release hot gas and high-energy particles. Both emit X-rays, radio waves and other wavelengths for thousands of years.

Photo: CHANDRA and VLA

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