Global and intelligent network
2000/09/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
Francis Heylighen, expert in artificial intelligence at the Free University of Brussels, has stated that the Internet is only the seed of the future intelligent global network.
Heyligen, which he has called "intelligent brain", arises from the need to manage and organize a huge amount of information that is accumulating on the Internet network.
Current search engines and web pages cannot fulfill this function, so it will be necessary to develop more effective methods. For example, the DKS (Distributed Knowledge Systems) system that is being developed in the American laboratory of Los Alamos. The system, according to the needs of the user, permanently reorganizes the links between the pages of the Cybernetic Beginner Web, that is, it foresees and opens the way to the links that the system intends to use the Internet user. At the same time it removes links that have become obsolete because they have not been used.
The DKS system is therefore fully dynamic. Imitating the functioning of human neurons, the algorithms of the program reinforce the most used links and exclude others. At the same time, the user will identify the websites visited above and use this information to recommend addresses of interest to the user, adapt the structure of the website to their needs, search cruises, etc. In short, a fully flexible website depending on the user.
Heylighen proposes to apply the same principle to the entire Internet network, i.e. to the entire World Wide Web system. In this way, the World Wide Web system will be reorganized at all times and will become more effective, fast and reliable. In addition to search engines, the network will have autonomous programs called agents that will serve to search for information. Heylighen has stated that the technology is already ready to complete this type of system and that, if the authorities accept it, it could be launched in 5 years. Because there is the key to everything. Because you can't know in advance what that "global brain" will give chiselled by millions of computers spread all over the world. And if not, do we want something like that? And we shouldn't create a digital dictator that tells us what we're going to see or hear based on what most do.

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