
The best photo of Pluto

2005/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

The best photo of Pluto
11/01/2005 | Elhuyar
(Photo: M. Buie / Lowell bCUNA)

Until recently Pluto was only a point of spatial light. The best photo showed this and no superficial details could be seen. However, in July 2002, a better obtaining session was launched, which lasted until June 2003, in which the Hubble Telescope took the images of Pluto as accurately as possible, forming a remote map of the planet's surface. Astronomers have already begun to speculate on the meaning of this map and have proposed what the basic composition of Pluto can be. In any case, they should wait at least a few years for a NASA probe to be sent to the area of the planet to properly investigate its composition.
