They present effective platinum drug against cancer
2001/03/08 Galarraga Aiestaran, Ana - Elhuyar Zientzia
Although platinum medications have been shown to be effective in treating certain types of cancer, they cause serious side effects, so their use is limited. However, in the United States there are four drugs of this type marketed and the collection for their sales is very high.

Now, the British biopharmaceutical company Antisoma has published in the publication Cancer Chemoterapy and and Pharmacology a new research on the drug Thioplatin. The antisoma, which specializes in the development of new treatments against cancer, has advanced that in the sessions in the models of systems used, in addition to being more effective than other drugs with Thioplatin platinum, has fewer side effects.
Thioplatin was developed at the German Cancer Research Center against solid tumors. With respect to Cisplatin, the most used platinum drug, it was observed that it covers between 30 and 100 times the DNA of the single tumor cell. This represents the therapeutic potential of Thioplatin.
Thioplatin did not show serious side effects on the living models of the system. For example, the most common problems arising from other platinum medications are weight loss, a decrease in the number of white blood cells, kidney damage, and the destruction of the covering of the small intestine. Thioplatin, however, has not only not occurred, but has proven to be as effective as Cisplatin against lung and colon cancers.
All these data indicate that it can be used in doses greater than other platinum medications. They are now continuing to investigate for clinical sessions to take place as soon as possible, as it would be a major step forward in treating cancer, both for its potential efficacy and degree of tolerance.

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