A plastic astronaut radiation meter
2004/03/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
They will measure the effect of space cosmic radiation using a mannequin. The mannequin will be one year outside the International Space Station.

Cosmic ray radiation can be a problem for astronauts, who will do so to find out the real danger. They believe cosmic rays are remnants of the Big Bang, and while protecting the magnetic field on Earth, astronauts have no protection in space. In space they receive 27 times more radiation than on Earth.
The doll has a natural size, has no limbs and has a weight of 80 kilos.
It consists of natural bones and plastics of different density. The organ is also made of plastic and has sensors to measure the dose of cosmic rays in each of them. He has also been called Matroshka, like the Russian doll. At the end of February the mannequin has been installed outside the space station and a year later the results obtained will be analyzed.

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