
Seeking to define the ‘planet’

2005/11/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Looking to define the planet
11/01/2005 | Elhuyar
(Photo: archive)

As large bodies are discovered beyond Pluto, the debate is growing: are they planets? Is Pluto himself also a planet? To define what a planet is and what is not, a group of experts has met. These experts are members of the International Astronomy Union (UAE). And, for now, the decision they have made is that the term planet should be used with a qualifier.

Of course, now you have to decide the qualifiers. The proposal of one of these experts is to use the term 'transneptunoar planet' for Pluto and the large bodies beyond Pluto, as well as the terms 'planet earth' and 'gas giants' that are used so far for the rest of planets. However, they clarify that the designation of the latter is not an obligation of this group but of the EAE.

But not everyone agrees with this proposal, since saying that Pluto is transneptunoarra refers to the location and it would be more appropriate to use a qualifier based on the characteristics of these objects. They would then be 'frozen dwarfs'.
