
Large, small stain

2006/08/03 Roa Zubia, Guillermo - Elhuyar Zientzia

In the typical image of Jupiter is a large red spot, a giant storm that emerged more than 300 years ago. In recent years a friend has emerged to the famous stain: a smaller storm has been created, joining small swirls of the atmosphere. The new storms are about the size of the Earth (the typical red spot is twice).At first

glance, the storms are red (although the initial swirls of the new storm were white). But seen with infrared light the two do not have the same color, in both the new storm absorbs more infrared rays. For astronomers, this means that the small storm is not as high as the other, as it has most of the atmosphere above the higher

clouds and therefore absorbs more infrared light. You see two storms, one over the other.