
At the moment by bike

2006/01/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

At the moment by bike
01/01/2006 | Elhuyar
(Photo: i. Kortabitarte)

The energy department of the Cidetec technology center has developed a prototype engine bike with fuel cells. The bicycle, instead of an engine and a battery, has an engine and a fuel cell, with an approximate autonomy of half an hour.

This fuel cell has a cation polymer electrolyte, which is the type of fuel cells that are most being developed today. It can be used in transport vehicles, mobile, etc.

The electrolyte is an ion exchange membrane. Anode fuels can be pure hydrogen, natural gas and methane, although the best is pure hydrogen, while cathode fuel is air oxygen. Thus, hydrogen and oxygen generate electricity. The reaction is electrochemical and the only waste or by-product generated is water.

The aim is that in the future the fuel cells produced at Cidetec will be used, and within many years the batteries may be replaced by other automotive batteries.

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