
A thousand two stars

2001/04/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Astronomers have found two numbers of a new type of star. The discovery was made by observations made with the UK infrared telescope installed in Hawaii. Stars, despite being similar to brown dwarfs, are remnants of stars that remain when white dwarfs absorb the matter from adjacent stars. Due to their great gravitational pull, white dwarfs can absorb the matter from common stars. When matter accumulates in the white nano, energy spreads a lot and an explosion is formed.

Then, the brightness of two stars increases. This phenomenon is repeated every several years. However, there is sometimes no transfer of material between the two stars, and a period of these characteristics has been used by astronomers to analyze the emissions of the common star. The results indicate that one of the stars is at 100 light years and the other at 130, that is, very close to us.

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