Meca Speed: computer typing
1990/05/01 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria
MECA SPEED 2000 is a program to learn how to write on a typewriter, improve the level of typing or collaborate in the evaluation of candidates for different studies.

The program is developed under the control of an associative tutor. This visual system consists of a set of practical subjects that will indicate to the user the correct position of the arms and hands, the position of the keys and the keys corresponding to each finger.
It consists of 12 staggered subjects that allow you to progressively accelerate keyboard knowledge and typing speed. After the first phase of learning there are two sections: the first to practice with a dictionary of 2800 words and the second to practice texts. The system is able to make a report indicating the speed achieved, errors committed, etc.

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