Researcher Manuel Carreiras Valiña receives the Euskadi Research Award 2015
2016/05/11 Elhuyar Zientzia Iturria: Elhuyar aldizkaria

Manuel Carreiras (Lugo, 1959) is a doctor of psychology and, since 2008, founder and scientific director of the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL). He is one of the most prominent international researchers in the field of cognitive neuroscience, especially in the field of reading processing, language and bilingualism. The award recognized the scientific quality of the work of Manuel Carreiras and his great contribution to the internationalization of scientific research in psychology in the Basque Country.
Since his arrival in San Sebastian, Manuel Carreira has been able to investigate the functioning of languages in our brain through the two most commonly used languages in Euskal Herria (Basque and Spanish). The researcher highlighted the importance of Basque in the research of language processing.
The Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language has three main lines of research: language, reading and developmental disorders; learning multilingualism and the second language; and neurodegeneration, brain damage and healthy aging.
The Basque Government annually convenes the Euskadi Research Prize. In the odd years, the call is made in the form of Social Sciences and Humanities, while in the even years the award recognizes the work of professionals of Science and Technology. In both cases, the main objective is to promote scientific activity.

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